Sentiments which CMI Architecture fully support. At CMI our practice have a dynamic and energetic team of highly skilled and committed architectural technicians, designers and specialists striving to push the boundaries of good design to develop schemes with a coherent and contextual response to the brief. In doing so CMI create innovative and practical solutions in concept that not only inspire and excite but exceed the expectations of the people for which they are created.
Formed in 2006 CMI have since developed a substantial portfolio of work which includes private residential dwellings, apartments, bars, nightclubs, industrial warehouses, sports grounds, factories, office suites, care homes and the conversion of listed buildings.
CMI have a hands-on approach, and are committed to gaining a clear understanding of the objectives and aspirations of their clients and work closely with consultants, contractors and end users alike to develop coherent briefs which result in high quality, legible and efficient designs.
The practice has developed a strong track record in delivering schemes on time, and on budget. Their success is reflected in the high number of repeat clients and the positive feedback received from end users and the wider community.
The practice is committed to the care and improvement of the environment and the communities in which we operate and promote environmental best practice and the move towards sustainability in all schemes.
What we do.
Building Control Applications
Site Supervision
Mortgage Certificates
Land transfer Maps
Ordnance survey maps
Please see our projects page and testimonials for further information on past and present schemes.
CMI offer comprehensive planning/development advice to all their clients throughout Northern Ireland. The team, with a wealth of planning experience and knowledge can boast a successful track record across both the Public and private planning sectors. Early engagement with CMI in the development thought process can make for more efficient advancement of strategic aims. We can help at various stages in the development cycle with our services which include the following –
Strategic Advice
When considering investment, and before committing significant resources in land acquisitions it is wise to take advice from us. We can advise on likely planning outcomes. We can help you find development opportunities, or we can advise you on specified areas of interest.
Feasibility Study
When a particular site has been identified by our client we can offer direct, sometimes blunt advice about the prospects of winning a planning approval. Such advice is often informed by wider considerations than planning. There are few issues which we will not have encountered before.
Planning Applications
Applications should be prepared and presented in a manner which offers the best chance of success. The time for simply attaching a map with a red line has passed.
Supporting Statements
Applications for permission to develop lands should be supported with a statement demonstrating compliance with all the material considerations. It is often the case that applications on their way to refusal can be approved if post application supporting evidence is persuasive.
Enforcement notices or warning letters regarding unauthorised development can be worrying. When such a notice/letter has been received by our client we can offer direct advice about the prospects of winning a planning approval and/or regularising the unauthorised development.
Planning Appeal
When an application for a development has been refused planning permission, or looks likely to be refused, a planning appeal can be the preferred option. If we are convinced that you have a winnable case we will apply all our skill, experience and tenacity to advance your case.
Environmental Impact Assessment
Development proposals likely to have significant impact on the environment must be accompanied by a detailed analysis of the impact on the environment. These will typically necessitate the involvement of many different professionals. As well as drafting the planning sections of these documents we generally act as co-ordinator and lead consultant.
The listings above are not exhaustive. We encounter different issues every week and tailor our service to respond appropriately.